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Summer 2022: Undergradratuate Research @ Duke Quantum Center
Developing a Discrete Network Simulator for Ion Trap Experiments

I worked under Christopher Monroe at the Duke Quantum Center (DQC) in Durham, NC, to explore trapped ion methodologies of quantum computation, quantum networks, simulations, and teleportation. By retooling Netsquid with Python, I analyzed different experiments to identify and mitigate noise channels to guarantee experimental validity. Quantum computers and quantum simulators tackle problems in many areas of science from condensed matter physics and molecular modeling to nuclear structure, high energy physics, and cosmology. I believe quantum computers will be the platform technology of the future and enable scientific breakthroughs across a multitude of fields. This is related to my GCS focus since learning how to measure and mitigate noise in these tools of discovery is imperative if I want to design and engineer quantum computers myself.


Status: Completed

Dates: June 2022-August 2022

Supervisor: Christopher Monroe

Total Hours: 450 


Fall 2022: Undergrad Remote Researcher @ Duke Quantum Center

During the second half of my sophomore spring and while I was studying abroad, I continued my research at the Duke Quantum Center. This primarily included reading and reporting during DQC's journal clubs from the "trapped ion bible" (Quantum Dynamics of Single Trapped Ions), restoring CONEX controller interfacing software, cleaning control software code (DAX), updating Monroe lab code into a new distributed version control software (Artiq), and indexing useful resources for the newly-designed research group website ( Remotely, I was able to trap quantum bits through a photonic quantum channel, creating long-distance between quantum memories, networks, and distributed quantum computers. As such, I generated data showing the entanglement rate is faster than the measured decoherence of entangled ions. Passing this threshold is crucial for scaling trapped atomic ion systems. Though I am ways away from bringing practical solutions, this small feat demonstrates the potential of trapped atom quantum systems to not only usher a new age of scientific discoveries, but it also gives me hope that by investing myself in this field, I will be able to provide new engineering advantages.  


Status: Completed

Dates: March 2022-April 2022; September 2022-December 2022

Supervisor: Jameson O'Reilly

Hours: 800


Spring 2023: Undergrad Physics Research (Physics 493)

In January 2023, I started research in collaboration with the Physics and Electrical & Computer Engineering departments at Duke University for a research independent semester study course to complete an honors distinction thesis. In this independent study, I will explore and conduct various methods to improve fiber coupling from single photon counts on ions in the ion-photon experiment. This will involve understanding and performing required optics needed for fiber coupling as well as hands-on implementation of different node protocols. The nature of the final product will be a fiber coupled test bench and a resarch report outlining what I have learned and what proposed methods were successful (or unsuccessful) with what order of mangitude improvement on the experiments conducted thorughout the duration of the semester. This is related to my GCS focus since as an atomic physicist I must learn how to design and build required optics and mechanical components. Once I've learned the required techniques and optics skills, will I be able to implement scale to these systems.


Status: Completed

Dates: January 2023-May 2023

Supervisor: Ayana Arce

Hours: 800

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Summer/Fall 2023: Tying it all together to probe new science

Through my past research experiences, I've gain the training to complete extensive independent projects. With a GC focus to engineer the tools for scientific discovery, my objective became to engineer my own system to probe different physics. Thus, I set out to build an ion trap of my own to conduct various experiments. Building on my fiber couplig work, in July, I integrated and deployed my semester project, culminating in a world-record two-node ion-photon entanglement speed of 200 Hz. In other words, we developed a system allowing the fastest communication speed between quantum computers. To scale this work to distributed quantum computing (a three-node ion-trap network), I translated theoretical designs from a groundbreaking research paper into a tangible hardware solution, enabling the practical realization of a GHZ-State (3 simultaneously entangled states) on a quantum network. Following, I designed and assembled a specialized oven test chamber, along with configuring the requisite optics for precise mass spectroscopy of different Barium isotopes in order to design a method to isolate different Barium species in multiple ion trap experiments at the Duke Quantum Center. By determining the optimal parameters for integrating different Ba+ isotopes into three distinct ion traps, my work is poised to enhance not only quantum network but also a 100-qubit capable quantum computer by enabling multispecies capabilities. These pioneering efforts will enable both systems to work with the hyperfine regime and/or radioactive properties, marking a first for the group and industry.


Status: In Progress

Dates: June 2023-August 2023

Supervisor: Chris Monroe, Crystal Noel

Hours: 800

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